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  • Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOA)
    Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOA) is a brand awareness marketing objective where an advertiser aims to become one of...
  • Branding (brand awareness)
    Branding, or brand awareness, is a marketing tactic aimed at establishing Top-of-Mind Awareness (TOA) and establishing trust...
  • Whitelisting/Blacklisting
    Whitelisting and blacklisting are methods to include (whitelist) or exclude (blacklist) specific websites, apps, advertisers, or ad...
  • Open Ad Exchanges
    An open ad exchange is platform that facilitates the buying and selling of digital advertising. Generally, this...
  • Reach and Frequency
    Reach refers to the number of unique people (or in some cases unique devices or households) who...
  • Over-The-Top (OTT)
    Any video content consumed by a user, usually through a television, outside of traditional broadcast, cable, or...
  • News feed
    The index of content available to a user, most commonly when referring to social media. This content...
  • Relevancy
    Relevancy is a common term applied to social media and search engine marketing. It mostly refers to...
  • Ad/creative format
    The technical specifications of an ad creative. For digital, this most commonly includes the file type, size...
  • Pixel
    A pixel may refer to either a single dot on a screen (resolutions are often represented by...
  • Click-to-call (CTC)
    When clicking an advertisement or hyperlink immediately leads to a phone call being placed with no other...
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
    Any advertising where the cost is assessed based on the number of clicks. Most commonly, PPC refers...
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    The practice of optimizing content to improve organic search rankings. SEO is a multi-faceted approach that commonly...
  • Geo-Targeting, Geo-Fencing
    Geo-targeting are parameters targeting a specific geography (zip, county, city, radius, etc.) in an advertising campaign. Geo-fencing...
  • Responsive layout/design
    A website, app, or creative that adjusts based on the device being used. Most commonly, these respond...
  • Content Management System (CMS)
    A platform used to create and manage a website. WordPress is the most popular.
  • Open Source
    Software whose source code is freely available to everyone to encourage open collaboration. WordPress, Firefox, and Android...
  • CTR (Click-through Rate)
    The percentage reflecting how many times an ad was clicked vs served. It is calculated by dividing...
  • Call-to-action (CTA)
    A call-to-action is a specific invitation to engage with an advertisement. Most commonly, CTAs encourage a user...
    CPM or CPT are common abbreviations for Cost Per Thousand Impressions, which is the most common cost...